Proje Bilgileri / Project Information

  • Proje Tarihi / Project Date: 2017
  • Yatırımcı / Investor: Denizli
  • Kapasite / Capacity: 1.1 MWp
  • Panel Sayısı / Number of Panels: -
  • Kategori / Category:
  • Proje Yeri / Project Location: Denizli
What is a Solar Field? Solar farms, also known as Solar Power Plant (SPP), refers to the installation of solar panels on the land and the sale of electricity generated from it to the state. Solar Energy Electricity generation is a big investment.

How should Solar Farm Land Features and Land Selection be?

If you are planning to generate electricity based on Solar Energy on land, the characteristics of the land should be as follows.

  • Land (Field) should have a high insolation potential
  • Land (Field) should face south
  • The land (field) should be close to the electricity substation.

Is the distance of the solar field to the substation important?

Yes, it is very important. The distance of the land to the substation should be maximum 20 km. So how will you learn the distance between the substation and your land?

There is a simple way. You can learn the nearest substation by applying to the energy distribution company in your region with the island and parcel information of your land.

What is the Cost of a Solar Farm?

There are many factors that determine the cost of a solar power plant

  • Land (Field) Cost
  • Cable pulling Cost according to the distance to the Substation
  • Excavation (Making the land suitable for solar panel installation)
  • Solar Panel Cost
  • Solar Panel Construction Cost
  • Installation

Considering the above costs, the approximate cost of a solar power plant on 1 Mw Land is around 1.218.000 USD.

How to Install a Solar Farm?

You have decided on the Solar Power Plant, so what are the procedures waiting for you? How is Solar Farm Installation done?

You start with the permission process from public institutions. You must first obtain permission for the energy investment you will make. The permission you will receive from public institutions is called a call letter.

The first thing you need to do is to go to the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and apply with a petition. The purpose here is to determine whether your land is extremely fertile by calling agricultural engineers from the Ministry of Agriculture.