Proje Bilgileri / Project Information

  • Proje Tarihi / Project Date: 2019
  • Yatırımcı / Investor: Mucur Meslek Yüksek Okulu
  • Kapasite / Capacity: 120 KWp
  • Panel Sayısı / Number of Panels: -
  • Kategori / Category:
  • Proje Yeri / Project Location: Mucur / Kırşehir
With the solar energy system that can be applied to the roof of your factory, your workplace, your home;

•You can earn income by selling your excess electricity to the distribution company,
•You help conserve the world's precious, dwindling energy resources,
•You can generate your own electricity,
•By reducing your carbon footprint and helping to reduce environmental pollution.

By generating energy with renewable energy sources, you help protect energy resources that are running out.

What is Rooftop Solar Panel?

Sunlight carries energy from the sun. Converting this energy into other energies requires an energy converter, as in every type of energy. Roof-top solar panels should be used to convert sunlight into electricity in residences, workplaces, factories, hospitals, in short, in every type of building that receives enough sunlight. Solar panels convert the energy in sunlight into electrical energy. The electrical energy obtained from these panels is also included in the electrical system of the building through various components. In some buildings, various batteries are used to use the electricity generated during the day at night. In this way, the cost of electricity is also reduced.

Although solar panels are the systems that generate electricity, other devices are also used in addition to them. There are many important parts such as inverters, power optimizers, monitoring systems. In addition, according to the demands, battery systems can also be applied for those who want to use this energy at times when the sun cannot be utilized. For this reason, electricity generation is provided by the whole system, not just the panels.

Solar energy systems installed with rooftop solar panels are frequently preferred recently. Because we live in a geography with high potential, it is a very profitable choice to convert solar energy into electrical energy. Moreover, in addition to these, advanced technology systems are more efficient and cost-effective than older systems. So what are the benefits of using rooftop solar panels? What can we achieve by using these systems? Let’s take a look at these.

What are the benefits of Rooftop Solar Power Plants?

  • You will be able to keep it under control for 25 years by fixing some or all of your electricity costs that increase day by day in your home or workplace.
  • If you produce more energy than you consume at the end of the month, you will be able to earn income from the solar power plant on your roof.
  • You will protect nature by using green energy.