Proje Bilgileri / Project Information

  • Proje Tarihi / Project Date: 2019
  • Yatırımcı / Investor: Nevşehir
  • Kapasite / Capacity: 2 hp
  • Panel Sayısı / Number of Panels: -
  • Kategori / Category:
  • Proje Yeri / Project Location: Nevşehir
Do you use energy sources based on fossil fuels to irrigate your fields, gardens or crops that you revive with thousands of efforts? With solar energy systems, you will no longer use generators or fuel to irrigate your crops, and you will not have to deal with turning the system on and off. With a one-time investment, you can save on the cost of electricity you spend on irrigation.

How should Solar Farm Land Characteristics and Land Selection be?

There is no grid electricity in agricultural areas, so agricultural irrigation is done with fossil-based energies. However, these sources are both costly and noisy. Not to mention the constant additional expense. Agricultural irrigation with solar energy is economical, unlike all of the above. It is environmentally friendly as well as silent.

Did you know that only 1 in 2,000,000 of the energy emitted by the sun is reflected on the earth’s surface? Even this 1% of the sun, which is an infinite source of energy, is powerful enough to heat our entire world. Not all of the sun’s rays reach the earth; around 30% is reflected back by the earth’s atmosphere and the remaining 20% is retained in the atmosphere and clouds. With solar energy, the earth’s temperature rises and “life” is born. Even if it does not reflect all the sun’s energy, even a part of it is enough to meet the world’s needs. Solar energy not only warms our world but also brings us many “solutions”. One of the uses of solar energy is agriculture. Solar energy can come in two main forms: thermal applications and electrical power generation.

When we think of thermal applications, we think of hot water production, steam production, greenhouse heating, heating of closed spaces, cooling of closed spaces, heating of swimming pools, water production, ice and salt production. We can consider electrical energy applications as photovoltaic systems and thermal methods.

Agricultural Irrigation with Solar Energy

What is the benefit of a solar irrigation system, let’s start with the answer to this question. The solar irrigation system has only installation costs, there are no additional costs. If the maintenance conditions are fulfilled regularly, it has an average life of 25 years. Irrigation costs constitute an important part of agricultural activities and these costs are directly dependent on energy. However, agricultural lands are generally located far from energy transmission lines. In case of distance, battery solar energy systems can be applied. It will also save money in the long run.

Use of Solar Energy in Greenhouse Applications

Greenhouse systems consist of systems that operate at a certain temperature level. Therefore, the most important point to be considered is temperature control. It is one of the areas utilized in solar energy systems. Two methods come to the fore to control the temperature regularly. The first method is to use solar collectors. Another method is electricity generation from solar energy. First, electricity is generated with the solar energy system and then this electricity is used in the water heating process, thus heating the greenhouse. Solar panels, batteries and inverters are used in these systems.

What are the Advantages of Solar Irrigation?

The use of solar energy for agricultural irrigation brings many advantages. We can list a few of these advantages as follows;

  • Irrigation with solar energy is economical and does not cause you constant additional costs.
  • It is not affected by constantly increasing fuel or network prices.
  • It is environmentally friendly and long-lasting.
  • It does not require constant maintenance, it is sufficient to perform maintenance in specified periods.
  • Noisy systems both disturb the environment and negatively affect working efficiency. Solar energy systems operate without noise, thus creating a calm environment.

Solar Energy Support in Agricultural Irrigation

Solar energy significantly reduces the operating costs of agricultural land. At first, they look high on paper, but in the long run they pay off. One of the most attractive advantages here is not to be affected by unexpected and surprising price increases of electricity networks. In addition, with the agricultural irrigation grant support (such as solar irrigation, solar drip irrigation systems, sprinkler irrigation systems, etc.), you can make a significant profit. Agricultural irrigation grant support is announced every year on the dates determined by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.